habitus (‘hæbitəs): the ingrained habits that form a shared way of life
Welcome to the Habitus Community
A redemptive community of practice organizing our lives around the way of Jesus through a common rule of life. We devote ourselves to the recovery of regular but radical Christianity, seeking the renewal of the church and its mission in the world.
A beautiful yes to the way of Jesus
So many visions of the good life are on offer but never deliver the life that is truly life. So where is the good way? Where is the way to a flourishing life? How can our lives be patterned after Jesus, where we live awake and alive to God’s presence everyday and everywhere?
There is hope for something more - it’s found in the way of Jesus, who says “Come to me … learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”
The Habitus Community provides people the opportunity to make their lives a beautiful yes to the way of Jesus - to do this in company with others and so display to a watching world “a light that is so lovely that they want with all their hearts to know the source of it." (M. L’Engle)
We seek regular Christianity, which isn’t lowering the bar but rather raising it, making “the very radical demands of the gospel a practical reality in daily life.”
Room for good things to run wild
A rule of life has been the church’s architecture for spiritual formation. All living things need a pattern or form to live and grow. A rule of life is an ancient life-hack, a support structure that is about participation in the fullness of God’s life - giving room for the good things of God to run wild.
The Habitus Community organizes our lives around a common rule of life, a pattern of rhythms and routines (regular practices that shape our daily/weekly living), relationships (intentional relationships and community), and renunciations (the “no’s” we say which enable a stronger “yes” to Jesus) that frees us to live well and grow more like Jesus.
Faith practices that shape our loves
We believe that our everyday practices, daily rhythms and relationships, and embodied habits are what, over time, form in us the life of Jesus we seek. These practices are like tools that the Holy Spirit uses to make the life of Jesus a practical reality in our daily lives.
“The most powerful choices we will make in our lives are not about specific decisions but about patterns of life: the nudges and disciplines that will shape all our other choices.”
— Andy Crouch
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