Isn’t a rule of life legalism in disguise?
G.K. Chesterton once observed that the structure and order in Christianity was never meant to stifle joy or squelch life but rather “to give room for good things to run wild.” Human life flourishes within limits - it’s simply how we are created. The obedient and holy life is always a response to grace - we follow a rule of life not to earn any points with God, not to show how especially religious we are. Rather, we know we need the help and guidance of a rule to live in daily communion with God. A rule of life is the gracious means by which the Holy Spirit meets us and forms us as participants in God’s life.
Why do this in community?
Simply put, if you could’ve done this on your own you would have done it already.
Since God is a triune community of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, God’s design is for life to be experienced in community. We believe that faith formation is not a solo spirituality project. We were meant to be formed in community and as a people.
It seems inwardly focused - why aren’t there practices related to justice or mission?
We live this rule of life not for our own spiritual growth but for communion with God and participation in his mission in the world. A musician doesn’t practice scales for the joy of hearing them; they practice to play beautiful music. We pursue these faith practices so that the life of Jesus takes shape in us. The aim of Christian formation is always for the life of the world, for service and mission. We seek to live the self-giving love of the Trinity revealed in the life of Christ. The practices of this rule shape in us the capacity and power for giving ourselves away for the sake of others. We are not are own.
Do you have more questions? We’d love to hear them.
We realized that a rule of life can seem out of sync with our time and culture. So often it needs lots of explaining. We’re here to do that - respond to your questions as we figure out how to organize our lives around communion with the Living God. We’d love to hear from you - fire us an email (habituscommunity@gmail.com) with your questions.