Digital Disengagement
The way of Jesus embraces all of our life, including the good technologies we enjoy today.
Trouble is we haven’t done much thinking about our relationship with these digital technologies. We’re not getting rid of our devices (who would want to do without all the goodness they’ve brought to our lives?) but how can the flourishing life of Jesus coexist with these technologies we use daily?
To help us think about these important questions, to restrain the addictive nature of these devices, and to practice a proper relationship in which we can enjoy these technologies, we daily disengage from our devices and screens. It’s a simple renunciation - for one waking hour, we dock our devices and turn off our screens. We remain present to life around us - the people in our lives, the physical reality of life unmediated by screens.
The way of Jesus and our digital technologies
Andy Crouch has done important thinking on the proper place of technology and digital media. Below is a lecture/teaching on how we can enjoy the life of Jesus with our digital technologies.