Listening to God
We are story-shaped beings; we all live by some narrative that makes sense of life and our place in it. The bible is a library of different writings, all woven together into a single unified story that finds its centre and fulfillment in Jesus. For followers of Jesus, this is our story and so the practice of immersing ourselves in scripture is a core practice.
The Christian life begins with God: God speaks and we listen. Jesus invites and calls, and we follow. Communion with God is found in listening and responding to God’s living voice. Scripture draws us into God’s life, inviting us to participate in all that God is doing.
Scripture is the primary text for our hearing and listening to God’s speaking. Listening for the voice of God, we read scripture each day, immersing ourselves in God’s story. The central discipline of the follower of Jesus is to listen, paying attention, turning the ear of our heart to God in Jesus Christ.